

So I'm still doing pretty well with eyebrows still, I'm making little tweaks here and there to try to figure out how to keep them from looking so blurry in game, is weird, looks more detailed in the viewer on Sims4Studio than in game, I'll keep at it of course. 

I've been tinkering around with lipsticks as well, there is seriously a lack of tutorials on this, how the heeeel others figured it out is beyond me. I got frustrated after three days of messing around with that and went back to eyebrows to keep from losing my ever-loving mind.

Maybe I will play around with eyeliner to see how that goes. 

I have more eyebrows on the way, submitted them almost a week ago, no idea -shrug-

All of this is taking me a little more time too as I am still stuck mouse-drawing until I can afford a drawing surface. So I have to keep messing with each item until it's how I'd like it to look, they still never seem to look in game how they look in my photoshop or Sims4Studio, the detail seems to diminish GREATLY.

I'm also still working on the CAS blog I have set up, hopefully that'll be done soon.
Too many projects o.o

Anywho, hope you're enjoying your week everyone. 

Still here lol


I've just been working on a second blog for my CAS creations.
During that process I've discovered some wonderful updates that I can make to this blog as well, so that will be going on too.

It's coming along pretty well :-) 

Here's my first CAS item for ya (I'll be posting these here until I can get the other site going)

First CAS Item


I've finished with my first CAS Item, Eyebrows.

It was quite fun to finally get to create something of my own, and to play around editing the main photos for it. 

Hopefully everything goes smoothly and they are approved. I followed tutorials to the T and there weren't any guidelines for Eyebrow submissions, so I just followed what other submitters have done and have had published in the last few days.

Fingers crossed.

If that goes well then I will delve into making several of these before moving on to lip colors/lipstick.




I. Has. Photoshop.

So, after a long time of not being able to acquire Photoshop, complaining, scouring the internet with gimp work-arounds and tutorials (to no avail) and ultimately being held back with my design progress, I now possess the capabilities of moving forward to actual creation and not just skillfully assembling creations using other's work. I want to have work of my own to use as well.

Gimp is a powerful beast in itself, but I was just dinking around in Photoshop today and found a single tool already that would cut my workflow in half. HALF people. Half. 
I also found tools that make selection and other things way easier, it just cuts down so much time, I can achieve very much the same with Gimp but it's tedious and painful.

Now to save up for a drawing tablet, while I have gotten quite skillful with mouse drawing, I do think a tablet is in order.

So excited to get to work on something this weekend.

Hmm, what to do first?  Objects or CAS.

- Also I have completed a male sim that is stunning if I do say so myself, but of course my tastes are my own. He's ruggedly handsome, and unintentionally bears a striking resemblance to my RL hubby, minus the adorable crow's feet.

Aged Wood Set 06 is the also on the way.

I am putting off building houses for the time being while I get to work on long awaited projects that were put off due to the problems I ran into prior to getting Photoshop. Now I can properly follow along the plethora of tutorials regarding proper textures and such for my meshes.

This day started off to be really rough, but you have no idea what being able to move forward in my designing means, for years I have been frustrated, cried, worked through the night, researched, failed more than I can count, searching for that light at the end of the tunnel, cliche I know, but can truly say I'd do it all again if it's part of my eventual success in becoming a respected designer. One can only hope. Here's to hope.

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